How activate NPU

I have a radxa zero 3w and I am trying to follow the rknn tutorial and in one tip it says that you have to activate the NPU from rconfig and overlays, it does not specify anything else, in oberlays there is no option to activate NPU, but there are third-party manufacturers that accesses the folders, my question is, what should I activate to activate the NPU, then programming the RKNN.api and rknnlite.api in python, the terminal tells me returns that there is no api eztension in rknn. I don’t know about you tuorial is wrong or is it me, I’m new to Radxa and I feel like I’m wasting my time, can someone help me?

Hi @Dtron

Are you using the B6 version of the OS as posted on the Radxa website? If so you need to upgrade your system with rsetup.

You can update your system by following these steps:

rsetup ---> system ---> system update 

After the system update, there will be an “Enable NPU” option in overlay, turn it on and reboot.

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And how can I activate the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? Because I already updated the system and oops!!! Wi-Fi and Bluetooth disappeared. and I have been searching and there are no answers to fix this problem.

Please remove sudo rm /lib/udev/rules.d/99-radxa-aic8800.rules and then reboot

To activate the NPU, please follow this tutorial: