Help on thermal throttling overlay

Hi, I have a heatsink for my rock 4 se but the chip will stilll get pretty hot. I would like to raise the thermal throttling from 70° to 80° on the official debian build.
My current overlay:

/ {
metadata {
title = “Increase cpu thermal throttling to 80°C”;
compatible = “radxa,rock-4se”;
category = “misc”;
exclusive = “cpu_thermal”;
description = “Increase cpu thermal throttling to 80°C”;

fragment@0 {
	target = <&cpu_thermal>;

	__overlay__ {
		trips {
			cpu_alert0 {
				temperature = <0x14c08>;     <= 80°C
				hysteresis = <0x7d0>;
				type = "passive";
				phandle = <0xff>;

			cpu_alert1 {
				temperature = <0x14c08>;
				hysteresis = <0x7d0>;
				type = "passive";
				phandle = <0x67>;

This will (at least) freeze my board.
What am I doing wrong?