Hardware - Camera with IR?


Wanna build a project where the rock 4 looks for movement, but since it will be outdoors tracking animals, i’d like it to react on IR movements and not just “pixel changes” :slight_smile:

Any good suggestions for hardware?
For example, how about the RPi’s camera “Pi - IR-CUT 5MP”?

If anyone of you have done someting similar i’d love some inputs for hardware.

You can try the third one:

I tested it long ago on Rock 3A and it worked. I can’t say it will work on all Rock 4 versions.
I have read here and there kernel 5.10 supports imx219 with calibration / tunning file, search for a similar product but with an imx219 sensor.

Check if you can run kernel 5.10 on your Rock 4 and if so go for the imx-219 sensor.