Guide: use Intel Optane Memory H10 with Rock5B / pcie splitting

btw, forget to add:

H10 512GB: R=2300MB, W=1300MB, 150TBW, 5800mW
H20 512GB: R=3400MB, W=2000MB, 185TBW, 170mW

Obviously H20 wins with a big margin here :slight_smile:

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Lately I see that there are lots of Intel Optane and NVMe drives on sales (because they are discontinued), and you may consider buying; P4800X 375GB U.2 is like around US$200. P1600X 118GB m.2 is like US$60. And H20 1TB is now US$50, but there’s also P4511 2TB at US$70.

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It’s not that easy to get them for this cheap in Europe but it can be done I think.
Edit: nope, can’t buy these cheaply here.