so, Im trying to set the status of some GPIOs in my radxa-zero V1.51 (pin 36,38 and 40)
i tried to use Mraa, libgpiod and some other libraries in python but none of those libraries can change the status of those 2 pins (36 and 38)
I found some documentation about how to change the state using echo commands (Here), what I did was:
considering that GPIO 40 is GPIOA_11 and the formula Base+Offset (413+10), I end with 423 and tried:
sudo -i
echo 423 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio423/direction
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio423/value
then i measured the gpio 40 output and i got 3,28v
but the problem is that when i tried to do the same with GPIO 38 (GPIOAO_11 - 424) and GPIO 36 (GPIOH_8 - 451), following the same procedure i got the following error:
-bash: echo: write error: Device or resource busy
am I doing something wrong ??