Fogwise Airbox: Production and Shipping Status

Hello everyone,

As a huge fan of Radxa, I am delighted to share my enthusiasm for their new product, the Fogwise Airbox. I currently own five Radxa devices: three ROCK 5 Model B with 16GB RAM and two Radxa ROCK 5B Blue Edition with 32GB RAM, and I am very happy with their performance and quality.

Based on my positive experience, I am confident that the Fogwise Airbox will be another high quality addition to the Radxa range. I’m looking forward to its release and can’t wait to see what it has to offer.

According to, the Fogwise Airbox is expected to ship on 20.05.2024. However, I have placed my pre-order with Allnet and have been informed that it may take longer. It would be great to have a rough estimate of when the products will be ready for shipping.

Has anyone received any updates from Radxa on the production and shipping status? Any information on expected delivery dates would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
M Kraft

Hi, Kraft

Airbox started shipping now and some Chinese users have received it already. I assume yours will be shipped very soon.

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