Enable uart9 for CM3 board

Hello guys,

I want to enable uart 9 port for serial communication,
Before we had to add in the uEnv file but now its says retired.


Activates serial port 9 on M1 (/dev/ttyS9)

UART9 M1 pins: UART9_RX_M1, UART9_TX_M1

Usage: Add the item “rk3568-uart9-m1” to “overlays=” line in /boot/uEnv.txt.


I cannot add as it says retired.

Can anyone help me how to enalbe uart9 port and in the rsetup i see only for uart2 port to enable or disable and nothing others.



I saw that uart9 m0 is used for Bluetooth by default on CM3. If you want to use uart9 m1, you need to turn off uart9 m0 first and enable uart9 m1 at the same time. Maybe you need to compile a dtb yourself. You can try to use radxa bsp to compile yourself. dtb

thank you for the information, i will try that once