Enable serial port UART2

Hello everyone,
I am currently working on a rover drone and I would like to connect my Rock 5b to a Pixhawk 4 mini flight controller through the UART2 port (pin 8 and 10) of the Rock 5b. On my Rock 5b I have installed Ubuntu 20.04 (https://github.com/radxa/debos-radxa/releases/download/20221031-1045/rock-5b-ubuntu-focal-server-arm64-20221031-1328-gpt.img.xz). I would like to know how to activate the UART2 serial port to communicate with my Pixhawk?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Just add an overlay rk3588-uart2-m0.dtbo
P.S.: successfully using an uart7 with rk3588-uart7-m2 on armbian.

Thank you for your quick answer, finally I managed to find it by searching on different topics of the forum. I can communicate with my flight controller from my rock 5.
Have a nice evening.