Emulating Rock 5B board

I don’t want to emulate something on Rock 5B board or run QEMU on Rock 5B board. I want to emulate the Rock 5B board itself.

I don’t have Rock 5B board. However, I have separately built the Android 12 image for the Rock 5B on my linux machine using the following commands:-

$ repo init -u https://github.com/radxa/manifests.git -b Android12_RK3588_Radxa_rk12 -m rockchip-s-release.xml

$ repo sync

$ source build/envsetup.sh

$ lunch RadxaRock5B-userdebug

// make

The gpt.img is generated successfully. But when I type ‘emulator’ it gives loads of errors.
I want to run this gpt.img in an emulator. Or is there some other way??? How can I achieve this? I don’t have physical Rock 5B hardware board.