eMMC missing for OS boot


I received my X4 today and I’ve hit an issue. I installed Windows Server 2022 , and everything went fine. After checking some things in the OS, I restarted the X4 and now it will no longer boot into windows claiming the storage is missing. I’ve checked the bios and the eMMC is still registered there. I’ve tried to reinstall windows with my original USB boot stick but when I get to selecting storage nothing shows up anymore. Any advice would be appreciated.

Hello BladeXyber, Can you make sure the EFI boot partition is installed on emmc?
Windows can boot first time and can not boot again, anything storage devices (SSD/USB) change between twice boot?
Since emmc show up in BIOS, this looks like more software issue not hardware issue. maybe you can check Windows10 or Linux see the issue still there?

Hi Ryan, it just started booting from the emmc again and I’m not sure why. I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know if it happens again.

I am glad that you can boot from emmc. There is probability that emmc sometimes cannot boot. You can try re-power the computer several times.

X4 seems to be sensitive to available power. You can get the power LED to turn on with a couple of watts. With 10W you can get to BIOS and boot but the eMMC comes up with a corrupted name in the BIOS and won’t be available for OS install or boot. Plugged the board to the adapter I use to charge my phone and things work. FWIW, I’m right now installing Linux and powering the board from a power bank.

What do you mean the eMMC corrupted name?
Which model of power bank? Usually Intel CPU needs a more stable power input

The eMMC name was in BIOS as “16” and some non-ASCII characters, with zero capacity. The issue was with a no-name Aliexpress USB multiport charger with supposedly 25W USB-PD output, but with the power bank (a 20000 mAh Tronic sold by Lidl that only promises 1.5A at 12V) the install finished flawlessly. The board pulled max 17W during the install according to the LCD-equipped charging cables I have; maybe the CPU was power limited, maybe not, but it worked, and seems that the eMMC chip is the cranky one, not the CPU.

I’ll just grab one of my phone chargers (12V@2.25A seems enough (would use a 45W HP USB-PD brick but the connector won’t physically fit unless I remove part of the heatsink), if it isn’t I’ll just lower the power limits in BIOS) when I actually plug it in for long haul. I have a 67W one but that would be way overkill.

Just to clarify: I’m not blaming anyone of anything, it was just a “I’ll see if that easiest available thing works even if it’s not what’s actually recommended” and then went up one step at a time in power delivery. And now I know I can run the board off a power bank for a while if I really need to. :smiley: