E20C informations


I did not find a lot of infos about the E20C, nor in the wiki nor in the forum.

Did I miss something ?


Maybe you can find info in the E20C Docs.


I’ve already seen that, it is mostly user-oriented, I should have told that I’m after things like

  • which branch in which repo for u-boot sources ?
  • which blobs (if any are needed) should I take, from where ?
  • will radxa work on upstreaming u-boot, kernel ?

things like that…

The only page that interested me there is : “Erase eMMC”

But thanks anyways

Radxa official repository:
u-boot: https://github.com/radxa/u-boot/blob/next-dev-v2024.10/arch/arm/dts/rk3528-radxa-e20c.dts
kernel: https://github.com/radxa/kernel/blob/linux-5.10-gen-rkr4.1/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3528-radxa-e20c.dts

mainline repository:
kernel: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3528-radxa-e20c.dts

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