Does upstream LibreELEC boot on "RADXA Starter Kit Rock ROCK 4C+ Board (Cortex)"? I prefer not download software from


I wish to buy because need better performance than Raspberry (4k streaming)

Does upstream LibreELEC boot and work on “RADXA Starter Kit Rock ROCK 4C+ Board (Cortex)”? I prefer not download software from (security question)

Thank you and a happy Sunday

Bump, thank you very much

Kinda simple to find.

Do you see Rock 4A/4B or 4C+ here


So this means NOT supported by upstream LibreELEC?

Man check your eyes please


I’d start with trawling the Radxa forums and refererring to upstream kernel submissions. RK3399 is pretty mature at this point so as long as the device-tree files are in the kernel (or submitted so can patches can be picked to a self-built image) … things probably work. That’s a rather vague answer but Radxa have been breeding/iterating boards a lot in recent times and it reached the point where tracking all the variants and sub-variants results in /shrug

For me still unclear if upstream LibreELEC works on the linked device.

Can you please clarify?