Disable UART0 using dts

I’m not able to disable uart0. I try with DTS but the pins still showing me data…
…do I need to disable any module?

Here my dts file:


/ {

metadata {
	title = "Disable UART0";
	compatible = "radxa,rock-3a\0radxa,rock-3b";
	category = "misc";
	exclusive = "GPIO0_C0\0GPIO0_C1";
	description = "Disable UART0.\nOn Radxa ROCK 3A <= v1.2 this is RX pin 15 & TX pin 17.\nOn Radxa ROCK 3A >= v1.3 this is RX pin 15 & TX pin 22.\nOn Radxa ROCK 3B this is RX pin 15 & TX pin 22.";

fragment@0 {
	target = <0xffffffff>;

	__overlay__ {
		status = "disabled";

__fixups__ {
	uart0 = "/fragment@0:target:0";
