the development environment of the rknn-toolkit2 is recommended for the Bionic with Python3.6.
However a current given image for Rock 3A is the Focal with Pyrhon3.8. How can I set up the development environment for the NPU of the Rock 3A?
Dev Environment of Rknn-Toolkit2 for Rock3A
Prob easiest without affecting default python use is https://www.roelpeters.be/virtualenv-venv-choose-python-version/
Thanks, stuartiannaylor.
I will try that method.
PS seems I am doing same and sure I did it with venv before but whilst I was looking came across a much better tutorial
pyenv install 3.7.9 makes it super easy to install other python versions
it does miss
pyenv global 3.7.9
curl https://pyenv.run | bash is prob even easier
but install your version
swap by the global command
create venv upgrade pip & setuptools
add all your modules in the env and run from there
Thank you for the additional info.
I already built the environment on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.6.9.
Once I had a trouble on installing onnxruntime==1.6.0 due to a bit old version of pip. Now I got the environment of python3 with “from rknn.api import RKNN”.
I’m looking forward to using this tool from now on.
Thanks, again.
Yeah it drives me nuts when custom whls are only avail for a certain python version and after did stupid things like installing another whole os image with correct python, but I just found pyenv and I am an instant convert
Is simple but just pyenv specific
I will try that method near future.