Debian repositories

I am not sure about adding more Debian repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list

  1. There are some radxa repositories, should I add them to the sources.list? If so, what is the deb http://… line?

  2. Can I add deb [release] main multiverse restricted universe?

  3. What about deb stable main?

  4. Would you advise any other repositories?

Hi, Martin

We are happy to tell you that we now have the radxa repository updated with rockpi4 support.

First, add the source list:

For Debian Stretch

deb stretch main

For Ubuntu Bionic

deb bionic main

Second, add the public key

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -


wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Third, update and install package

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install *package-name*

For the benefit of anyone else reading this, the deb line goes in /etc/apt/sources.list (at least for Debian).

E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.4.154-ge0ce80a-dirty
E: Couldn’t find any package by glob ‘linux-headers-4.4.154-ge0ce80a-dirty’
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘linux-headers-4.4.154-ge0ce80a-dirty’

How do I download the linux headers? It is saying they are unavailable even with these repositories.

Hi, themathgeek13

We have updated the repository. To get package “linux-headers-4.4.154-ge0ce80a-dirty”, try with:

$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.154-ge0ce80a-dirty

By the way, we have updated a new kernel image. Package “linux-headers-4.4.154-10-g209c242-dirty” is recommended. The difference between these two packages is the newer now supports automatically updating the sysboot menu(like grub on PC). Currently the boot menu is on the serial console only.

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Does it fix also overall lag issues?

Overall lag issue? Which exactly you mean?

Well the fact is that if I start using a video player to stream some TV stuff and ie. I use the web browser after some minutes everything starts stuttering.

The strange thing is that CPU usage is OK (about 40% of it), memory is OK (using about 500 MB) and temperature too (about 45° C).

I am not that skilled when we talk about Linux so can’t say much more hehe. :sweat_smile: