Cubie A5E FFMPEG H265

Before buying, I want to ask:

Does the board support accelerated H265 video decoding,
and accelerated pixel format conversion from YUV to RGB?

Something like this [FFmpeg] Introduce FFmpeg-Rockchip for hyper fast video transcoding via CLI

Every source I found was many years old and only for H264 but no mention about CPU of Allwinner A527 like :

Hi, according to the datasheet and driver code, it can only do hardware accelerated decoding, but not yuv2rgb (not finished or not supported by hw).

Thanks for the quick reply,
I’m not sure if I understand correctly,
but if yuv2bgr working then it’s also ok, I mean G2D_FORMAT_BGRX8888.

And can you help me with FFMPEG … how to use/compile?

That G2D library currently only supports RGB2RGB. I’m sure the ffmpeg you linked is outdated and they no longer work with this chip. You need to wait for Allwinner to provide a demo.

Do you have any idea where Allwinner posts announcements, demos, … like this ‘ffmpeg’, ‘vpu’ … ?