Controlling PoE Rock3A


I am working on Rock 3A and using ubuntu 20.04 version on that. I’ve connected POE hat on the board, and installed libmraa and poe dependencies. Restarted the rockpi-poe service. But the issue is the fan continuously running even after changes made on poe config file. I checked the service again and got below mentioned error.

rockpi-poe.service - Rockpi PoE-FAN
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rockpi-poe.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-03-23 13:29:36 UTC; 1 months 11 days ago
Main PID: 356 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4057)
Memory: 8.4M
CGroup: /system.slice/rockpi-poe.service
└─356 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/ start

Mar 23 13:29:37 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
Mar 23 13:29:47 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
May 04 07:05:47 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
May 04 07:08:37 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
May 04 07:08:47 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
May 04 07:08:57 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
May 04 07:09:07 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument
May 04 07:09:17 rock-3a libmraa[356]: pwm0 write_duty: Failed to write to duty_cycle: Invalid argument

Can you please help me with this issue?

I checked my uEnv.txt file also. I mentioned the overlays, please check whether it is correct or not.

overlays=rk3568-fiq-debugger-uart2m0 rk3568-can1-m0 rk3568-pwm8-m0-fan rk3568-pwm15-m0 rk3568-uart7-m1 rk3568-uart5-m1

Thank you.

Hello. The pwm15 and uart7 share a pin and can only use one function at a time. Try to delete the rk3568-uart7-m1.