Configure zero 3 without hdmi

Hi everyone, i can’t use and HDMI for configuring radxa zero 3w, can i configure before the first boot wifi and ssh with some kind of configuration file ? Thanks in advance

You can disable it by radxa utils rsetup.

rsetup: overlays -> Manage overlays -> Disable HDMI.

No Sorry, i dont Need to disable HDMI, i need to configure zero 3 without hdmi with pre boot configuration

The most simple solution would be to use an USB to serial adapter. They are rather cheap, allow you to debug later on and, if you don’t plan to add energy hungry devices, can power your Zero directly with 5V.

Attention: Do not and never ever buy one with a PL2303. They are crap! I have learned the lesson myself. I use CP2104 and CH340 and they work fine.

Hi @ciapciap ,
Please refer to this document: I’ll copy this document to zero3’s documentation path later on.

DietPi allows preconfiguration