I already tested a few sensor specific python modules, for example the bmp280 module works. I can use the adafruit method, I did that before, I moved to using the native kernel support (for the sensors I use). Just would rather use the native kernel support… if I can.
Thank you for the qualification of adafruit library use, I will try same on my Zero 3E and 3W. Should work, will be surprised if it does not. Might… have to tweak adafruit a bit if it does not work, I seem to recall I had to do a bit minor changes for one Pi device or another, until the library was updated.
Yes, if dir(module) you pretty much can figure out how or what is available… I did this with ‘gpiod’ since I was not familiar with it (until recently), to access RADXA variant of GPIO pins. The concept of chip/line/pin, was not familiar, given my experience with ESP8266, ESP32, and Pi devices.
Also quite different is how there are various i2c buses on RADXA devices, several buses leveraged, across GPIO header. For example, have to enable bus i2c-3 to get GPIO 3 and 5 pins working. Where Pi typical is basically one or another available by default (0 or 1), unless you explicitly change the configuration, to create additional i2c buses… Had a Pi where bus 1 failed on Pi 3, and had to explicitly enable i2c-2.
But the original question stands… is there not anyway to access the native kernel support, that is there, on RADXA devices? The sensors I need to support, all have been in the kernel since about 4.4.x or later, nothing crazy or cutting edge.