CM3I Image Flashing

Hi there,

I am trying to flash an image onto my Radxa CM3I using a CM3I-IO board-V1.3.
I am using the loader file and the image file both from the Radxa documentation center.
The flashing goes through and image downloads OK. However, after restarting the CM3I there is no HDMI, or Ethernet or USB available on the compute module dev board.

Is there any other image/loader files I can try?
Here is a screen shot of the RKdevtool window.

Hi amir

First I would like to check if your CM3I core board comes with SPI Flash?

If you want to burn the image into the eMMC and boot it properly, you need to burn the following image:

Hi Mitchell,

Yes. The CM3I core board I have comes with SPI Flash.
I tested the image you recommended and still no response from the board.
Also, I noticed that the Green LED on CM3I is solid on. Shouldn’t it be blinking?

You may have flashed the image to SPI Flash, you need to clear the image in SPI Flash and then burn the B4 version of the image to eMMC.

Hi Mitchell,

Thanks for the help. I will leave the stages I went through for future reference.

  1. I needed to use both RKDevTool v2.86 and v2.96. Because the v2.96 was crashing every time I tried to flash image to the CM3I. Also I was not able to switch Emmc storage using RKD v2.86. So, I used both of them at the same time to make it happen.
  2. I also noticed that in storage lists, the EMMC was not listed as the storage to be accessed.
  3. In RKD v2.96 I had to switch storage to Emmc and then I used the RKD v2.86 for flashing the B4 image.
  4. I also encountered the issue that the CM3I was not booting up after the first reboot. This was also resolved by following the same steps after erasing the SPINOR storage.

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