We recently purchased CM3 board and we are trying to flash official ubuntu server image, but it failed. We are following your official tutorial (installusb-install-radxa-cm3-rpi-cm4-io) , and we would like to point out :
- jumper should be placed at the right most 2 pins, otherwise it can not be recognized
- in your example image, the CM3 image should be used
Maybe you want to update the tutorial.
Anyway, for us, we tried on Mac, Windows or Ubuntu, we cannot flash the image onto the CM3. The bootloader flash was successful but we got a device test error right after and download image failed.
Here is the log by using RKdevtool on windows:
14:30:23 943 瑞芯微开发工具 v2.8.1.0 start run
14:31:25 155 Layer<1-3>:下载Boot开始
14:31:29 002 Layer<1-3>:下载Boot成功
14:31:29 098 Layer<1-3>:等待Maskrom开始
14:31:29 560 Layer<1-3>:等待Maskrom成功
14:31:29 562 Layer<1-3>:测试设备开始
14:31:29 569 Error:RKU_Write-->WriteFile failed,bRet=0,err=31,size=31,write=0
14:31:41 617 ERROR:RKU_ResetPipe-->DeviceIoControl failed,err=995
14:31:41 617 <LAYER 1-3> ERROR:TestDevice-->RKU_TestDeviceReady failed,RetCode(-3),path=\\?\USB#VID_2207&PID_350A#6&855BFBE&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
14:31:47 647 Error:RKU_Write-->WriteFile failed,bRet=0,err=995,size=31,write=0
14:31:54 671 ERROR:RKU_ResetPipe-->DeviceIoControl failed,err=31
14:31:54 671 <LAYER 1-3> ERROR:TestDevice-->RKU_TestDeviceReady failed,RetCode(-3),path=\\?\USB#VID_2207&PID_350A#6&855BFBE&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
14:32:00 694 Error:RKU_Write-->WriteFile failed,bRet=0,err=995,size=31,write=0
14:32:02 711 ERROR:RKU_ResetPipe-->DeviceIoControl failed,err=31
14:32:02 711 <LAYER 1-3> ERROR:TestDevice-->RKU_TestDeviceReady failed,RetCode(-3),path=\\?\USB#VID_2207&PID_350A#6&855BFBE&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
14:32:03 759 Error:Layer<1-3>:测试设备失败
14:32:03 766 Layer<1-3>: RunProc is ending, ret=0
Please help, thanks.