Can't get Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to work

I’m running Armbian from an SD card on my Radxa Rock 5 ITX.

  • I had no network access—WiFi wasn’t enabled, and armbian-config didn’t help.
  • I checked device tree overlays for anything WiFi-related but didn’t find anything useful, but I learnt the Wi-Fi management was directly linked to the processor, until there, nothing surprising.
  • I installed linux-headers-current-rk3588 , but as soon as dpkg ran, the screen turned solid green and froze completely (no keyboard/mouse response). The same thing happened when I tried installing armbian-firmware-full afterwards. I am forced each time to reset the computer to get back to Armbian.
  • I tried to activate iwlwifi using modprobe , and lsmod | grep 'iwlwifi' shows that it’s loaded, but the issue persists.
  • I can still use the shell, but without my phone to share its Wi-Fi connection, I can’t get it online.

Here’s the armbian-hardware-log, the only log I found that could give important info:

The issue stays there with the official Radxa Debian KDE build.
Any ideas?

And now, I do not longer have any HDMI output. Yeaaaah…