I do want to say I havent tried installing an image to the EMMC yet as that seems complicated at best. What I have managed to do is get Debian10 installed and working and RecallBox works but crashes when i plug in a wired controller, so thats a small success. What I cant get working is anything else. I have tried a few other things that are built specifically for arm processors like retroarch and lakka. I flash the SD card and it just sits with the green light on and no blue blinking like a few other images that do work.
I also downloaded Ubuntu Desktop and that runs on my raspi4 and should run on a rock but does not boot at all. Same with the build of lakka thats on my sd card for my raspi4.
So I have 2 questions:
Is there something im missing or not doing here? Why cant I get images built FOR the rockpi4 to boot as in the case of lakka?
Is there a way to copy a working image running on the SD card to the EMMC through the CLI or something else?