I am trying to move from raspberry 3B + SPI HAT to rock 3C + SPI HAT.
My HAT uses what is know as SPI0 on a raspberry board, on pins 19, 21 & 23.
It looks like it’s called SPI1 on a rock3 board, on the same pins.
I have spent countless hours trying to understand how to activate SPI, with no luck.
I am using the rock-3c_debian_bullseye_cli_b33 image from https://github.com/radxa-build/rock-3c/releases
I have read instructions telling to configure with /boot/uEnv.txt, which is marked obsolote.
I can find overlays in /boot/dtbo and also in /usr/lib/linux-image-4.19.193-4-rk356x (which is the path specified in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf).
My software is expecting to find /dev/spidev0.0. I tried to load several (spidev) overlays and never got the expected device.
Any help appreciated!