Can't boot from USB 3 ssd

I have tried writing the stock spi image and the uefi spi image and neither will boot a usb 3.0 radxa or Ubuntu image on an ssd. The uefi bootloader shows the usb device but doesn’t want to boot it. I tried flashing the image to the ssd using dd on the rock 5a and also using balenaetcher on windows. Neither work. Will the rock 5a not boot from usb 2 or 3?



@RadxaYuntian please help to look inito this issue

@ken did we implement USB boot on ROCK 5A?

Are there any other boot images or methods to boot off spi/mmc and then run image on usb drive? Thanks

Sure, you can install UEFI (edk2) and run a live image from @amazingfate

That’s a crap suggestion to a problem that needs addressing from Radxa. They said the spi img would allow boot from usb drive. I have tried both ssd and hdd in a usb3 caddy. No go. Does not see or boot the drive at all. My nvme drive wont boot with that old june spi image. it only boots kernel 5.110.15. Change your kernel to .16 or newer? no more nvme boot.