Camera options for Zero

Hello All,
Total newbie here, as in I have never used a SBC before, written code, used Arduino or a RPi - I just have heard the terminology. I only learnt of the acronym SBC last month when I purchased a Radxa Zero. It was reviewed here and I was sold.

I was wondering what camera options are available for the Radxa Zero board? I am going to use it for OctoPrint

I nread that there is only the USB option. Is this true? If so, what would be a fairly inexpensive (subjective, I know) USB camera for use with OctoPrint, that will work with the Zero?

If USB is not the only option, then can someone please direct me to non-USB camera options?

Edit: (for me) There is confusing info on the net coming from various sites saying that there is a CSI conncetor, but then there are other sites saying there is no CSI connector.

Many thanks :pray:

I’m also planning to use RADXA Zero with cameras. I don’t see any FPC connector for CSI cameras on board, so I think the only choice is to use UVC cameras.

A good thing is that RADXA Zero has a USB3 port. This allows you to transmit video in much higher data rate, such as uncompressed YUV frames.

AFAIK the UVC cameras don’t need any extra driver, so you can freely choose your camera by sensor type, ISP capacity on stream format (raw YUV/MJPEG/H264) and frame rate/resolution.

Hi @Xi_Yang,
Thanks for your reply.

Could you recommedn ad UVC camera 5MP (or 8MP) with USB-C connection from AliExpress or similar please? I ahev no idea what I should be looking for in terms of “f” value or lense size (12mm?)


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For Octoprint you can use any USB webcam that works in Linux.

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@theophilethank you :pray:

@theophile. I am using Klipper with Fluidd interface, on the Radxa Zero SBC.
I have tried an older Logitech UVC camera, but no dice.

I’ve tried installing various video packages, but nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions or ideas please would be really appreciated. I’m really keen to get a camera stream working with the Zero.


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That’s really not enough info to go on to troubleshoot whatever issues you’re having.

Sorry for the very delayed reply. I decided to use RPi 3A+ and an on-board imx290 camera for my project. But I have also tried RERVISION RER-USB1080P01 which is a USB 3.0 camera with on-bard ISP. I don’t use it because it is more expensive than a camera without ISP, but it still has rather good video output on my test.
This manufacturer has a shop on Chinese-local, I don’t know if you can find it on aliexpress directly.