C Program with WiringPi not compiling on Ubuntu Focal


I bought a OLED screen to use it with the Radxa Zero.
Did all the steps on their Wiki page.
Also installed wiringpi “sudo apt-get Install wiringpi”.
But when I want to compile the C program the compiler output says “#include <wiringPi.h> Not found”.
Is there something Missing?

Yes. Those instructions were made for Raspberry Pi running Raspbian / RPi OS.

I thought WiringPi is a general library. Do I have to install Something extra or do you think it generally doesn’t work?

WiringPi is library / wrapper that is used with Raspberry Pi so you can interact with external hardware easier. On different hardware you need a different library … however some vendors reworked this library to match their hardware. How is here? Don’t know. . I think Radxa uses some other library as there are many of them and especially because WiringPi is deprecated also on Raspberry Pi.

I told you what I know.

OK. Thank you very much.

So I have to look for another library to interact with.