Well, I’m concerned about whether or not I’ve caused some damage to my Rock Pi 4a 4GB board.
After receiving it, I’ve unadvertedly buyed a crap recharger, thinking it was compatible with Quick Charge 3. But, after some use, the green led stopped lighting.
I began working with the official Debian image installed on a micro SD card. Then I’ve decided to burn Armbian on the eMMC memory card I’ve brought with, using Etcher.
I’ve boot only once, when I burned the Armbian official image. Then I decided to create my own image (editing kernel options, filesystem and so on) through the Virtual Machine instruction at the Armbian Wiki.
Initially, the red led was ininterruptedly blinking twice, indicating a power problem, but after a while, no led — green or red — lighted anymore.
The single board computer has less then a month of use — perhaps half a month.
The technician I bring the recharger to told me the problem was on it, on its cable and on the adapter to USB C, which provided less power than the necessary to power the ROCK Pi 4a.
Is there any possibility that I’ve caused any harm to the equipment, leading it to not boot anymore? I’m not sure about this, since it once have already stopped working and, at the next day, it became functional again.
So, I’m in doubt about having bricked the board or having brought a defective one.
Anyway, does anybody knows if AllNet has any devolution/refund/exchange policy for a case like this?
Thank you!
Juliano B. Nequirito