I’m currently pretty happy with my RZ1s.
I’m building a pocket device (battery, touchscreen, Keyboard with Mousepad, 4USB outputs) I got it working pretty fine with both “Armbian” and the “native/original Radxa” Ubuntu Image. I’m putting it all together into a compact alu case (+ a hinge). This should work…
and now:
My original Idea would be, to boot my Ubuntu Image from my small Samsung USB stick(with a persistent memory) Getting a Lock and Key mechanism in one sense and having my os and data handy/deployable on any other mashine.
The questions are:
- What do I have to burn on to the (RZ1)EMMC to make Ubuntu boot from the USB?
- I suppose that the Hub that I use to get my multiple USB outputs, may not work with a BIOS? (I have no Idea)
I hope that it is possible to use/burn a BIOS on to the EMMC, it would be very handy to use my working enviroment on multiple mashines, without the need of the internet to sync the systems or without the need of a VPS for example. (Connecting from a “thin client” to a VPS = virtual private server on the cloud, hosted server, ect…) Having my work, tools and projects in my pocket feels pretty cool. I really care about making this possible.
I would be very happy to share the endresult with the community.
(I will also share a documentation)
Best Regards