BIOS missing DMI information


Recently got my X4 and am looking at possibly more for a project. First thing I did was install the latest BIOS from which seemed to be the same revision/build date as my unit shipped with.

However, digging into the system it seems the BIOS was a bit rushed and DMI information is all defaults. Is there any chance this could get fixed in a future revision? I like to deploy my nodes with Ubuntu MAAS and I can’t create targeting tags with incomplete/invalid DMI data.

# dmidecode -t 1
# dmidecode 3.5
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 3.6.0 present.
# SMBIOS implementations newer than version 3.5.0 are not
# fully supported by this version of dmidecode.

Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
	Manufacturer: Default string
	Product Name: Default string
	Version: Default string
	Serial Number: Default string
	UUID: 03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009
	Wake-up Type: Power Switch
	SKU Number: Default string
	Family: Default string

Hello friend, DMI data can write by yourself, AMIEDIT or DMIcfg tools can do that.
We can share the tools for you, Which OS do you prefer?

Hello @ryann, id appreciate that! If you have Linux versions of the tools id appreciate that, otherwise anything that is an EFI tool (like the BIOS updater) would work as well.

Thanks for the quick response. :grin:

Here is the UEFI DMI flashing tool, and there is a readme inside for your reference.

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