Armbian for Rockpi E (Focal / Buster)

Added preview images - Armbian Buster / Focal for Rockpi E.
Kernel 5.4 & K5.7

Build from sources:
Support development:


Major update:

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I’ve download the image focal version, however the wifi interface is not showing, is it still on progress ?

It should work out of the box for both rtl8723du and rtl8821cu.
The interface name is wlxXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

What board are you using (model and version)?
Are you sure it’s the one with wifi/bt combo?
What is the output of dmesg | grep -i rtl?

Hello, i purchased with the dual wireless adaptor, i think RTL8723du is not detected

Well…, it looks like everything is good and as expected :slight_smile:
You got yourself the model with a dual band adapter, namely rtl8821cu.
There is no dual adapter version :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy using your wifi with wlx7ca7b0104062 interface.
You can use nmtui to easily connect to your AP.

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Hello Piter, thank you for your fast response in this lonely forum.

I thought it has RT8821Cu And RT8723DU because in the board there are two Realtek chip.

Did you know the one that marked in the picture for ?
And for the antena, can we use regular 2dbi wireless antena ?

Thanks before

Wired network chip.


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