Archlinux on Rock5b

the server is online again:
rock5b-alarm.iso.tar.xz -> click “Rock 5B Archlinux image from radxa user @gnattu” -> wait -> flash the image with your favorite tool -> boot the rock 5b with yor fresh copy of archlinux

I can see that this repo have libv4l, and v4l-utils
When I was using Armbian, I used this ppa by amazingfate
This ppa used a pached v4l and chromium system and some manual work to enable decode on rkmpp.

So, Is there any guide about how to use the v4l ? :slight_smile:

Sorry for asking so naive question, I am a newbie in this area. When I used the Armbian, I have the armbian-add-overlay tool to automatically add, compile and enable the overlays

On ALARM, how can I install this device tree overlay ?

EDIT: I compiled with the command which talked about above, copied the dtbo file into /boot/dtbs/rockchip/overlay, add the absolute path of this file after the fdtoverlay in the /extlinux/extlinux.conf file

And hereis my extlinux.conf:

#timeout 10
#menu title select kernel

label Archlinux
    kernel /vmlinuz-linux-rockchip-bsp5
    initrd /initramfs-linux-rockchip-bsp5.img
    devicetreedir /dtbs/
    fdtoverlays  /dtbs/rockchip/overlay/rk3588-uart7-m2.dtbo /dtbs/rockchip/overlay/rk3588-add-hdptxphy_hdmi_clk.dtbo 
    append   root=UUID=67ad0e7b-3914-48d6-97c2-c48e5e0e405b earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0xfeb50000 console=ttyFIQ0 console=tty1 consoleblank=0 loglevel=0 panic=10 rootwait rw init=/sbin/init rootfstype=ext4 cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 irqchip.gicv3_pseudo_nmi=0 switolb=1 coh

Now it looks like it works

Same issue missing libGLX :

gnome-calendar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

EDIT: I tried to use symlink to create a software link from to libOpenGLX, but -> ../../../../src/ itself seems do not exist.

And when I open firefox, I got this:

Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI (t=0.468543) [GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: No GPUs detected via PCI (t=0.468543) |[1][GFX1-]: glxtest: process failed (received signal 11) (t=0.468605

And firefox just blackscreen at launch time, but it can work after seconds

EDIT: I added MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 to run firefox under wayland, firefox issue solved, now only VAAPI issue left


Yeah messed up that symbolic link several times, pushed another fix again.
There is no VA-API interface for rockchip vpus yet. There are 2 options.

  1. v4l-linux-rkmpp fake driver and a patched chromium that interfaces with it. The problem i dont want to go there is, with those patches chromium is not maintainable.
  2. Using rkmpp + rga interface in ffmpeg. And force the browser to use FFMpeg.
    But for this you need to disable security sandboxes of browsers since FFMped is directly interfacing with kernel browsers do not allow those.
    For firefox it is: MOZ_DISABLE_RDD_SANDBOX=1 environment variable
    For chrome it is: --no-sandbox flag. also use --in-process-gpu if gpu acceleration does not work. This brings gl acceleration to chromium as well.

The current problem i have is even with a software decoder, or ffmpeg accelerated driver, the video output can not be written to the renderer. It pushes few frames but stucks afterwards. So i am kinda stuck here.

you can also check ticket for details

THX for your help :slight_smile:

On a second thought, i removed those symbolic links again the pacakges, since such a hack breaks the wayland. I suggest you to remove it as well until we understand what exactly they are, why need and why panfork does not build it.

but my wayland works well now, I can do almost everything on this board

do you also have* symlinked. May be libGLX is the culprid.

By the way, i just managed to make 4K hw accelerated decoding in Firefox with Wayland so good news, gotta play with it little bit though


Hmmmm I see your tutorial used GNOME as desktop environment, but I wanna try KDE

I removed gnome by sudo pacman -Rsn gnome, and installed KDE by sudo pacman -S plasma-desktop sddm

Entered sddm successfully, but got a black screen with mouse pointer on the center after entered password.

Is there anyway to check the KDE start log ?

This seems to be a compatibility issue with sddm. When I tried panfork on the official radxa debian, the sddm never get me to the desktop, but the lightdm worked with kde.

The last time I checked kde performance is quite bad when you enable the compositor, don’t know if it has improved now.

I tried to start plasma via command startplasma-wayland from console, but still failed

Here is the journalctl log:

Hi there,
yust my comment: I have seen the same bahavior with my Armbian installation. For me it looks like KDE (with or without panfork) didn’t work well on this SBC.


Actually I got KDE Plasma worked but it was other’s armbian build which is here

I’ve just testet Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Rock-5b_jammy_legacy_5.10.110_kde-plasma_desktop.img.xz on a SD Card. System boots up, but lightdm didn’t start. I can’t upload here logfiles.


BTW uptime
21:08:10 up 8 days, 3:18, 1 user, load average: 1,01, 1,58, 1,57
with boogiepop´s packages :slight_smile:

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there is any way to update the kernel? I find its kernel is 5.10, but I didn’t find any ways to resolve it.

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Sorry but we have to stick to the vendor-custom kernel for now because the required hardware support code is missing in the upstream kernel. Hopefully we could switch to upstream kernel this year.

gnattu, your image is good to go or we need to follow some additional steps of boogiepops excellent work? Hw acceleration or so?