Archlinux on Rock5b

Ill add it when iam back at home on sunday or so.
@Bruno one day, there will be one day :slight_smile:

All below packages updated with latest commit from jeffys repo.

  • ffmpeg4.4-mpp
  • ffmpeg-mpp
  • kodi-matrix-mpp-git
  • kodi-matrix-mpp-git-ffmpegdirect
  • kodi-nexus-mpp-git
  • kodi-nexus-mpp-git-ffmpegdirect

Iā€™ve successfully boot up midstream kernel, currently testing it and could use it as my daily image
if stable enough. (can wait without everything supported for now)

I made detailed step by step image building instructions here in case some would be interested.
I didnā€™t test image building from dist like debian, but it should be possible as described on official archwiki

Boogie olā€™ buddy olā€™ pal, did you upload the image to some location? :blush:

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While trying to install official pancsf mesa drivers, I noticed this error during build:

Checking if "-mtls-dialect=gnu2" runs: DID NOT COMPILE
Found pkg-config: /usr/bin/pkg-config (1.8.1)
Run-time dependency vdpau found: YES 1.5
Program glslangValidator found: YES (/usr/bin/glslangValidator)
Run-time dependency libomxil-bellagio found: YES 0.9.3
Run-time dependency libva found: YES 1.18.0
Header "va/va.h" has symbol "VASurfaceAttribDRMFormatModifiers" with dependency libva: YES 
Run-time dependency libclc found: YES 0.2.0

mesa/ ERROR: Feature android-libbacktrace cannot be enabled: `-D android-libbacktrace=enabled` makes no sense without `-D platforms=android`

A full log can be found at /home/etienne/setup/hw_necromancer/rock5b/mesa-pancsf-git/src/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
makepkg -si  151.76s user 17.31s system 76% cpu 3:40.52 total

anyone experienced same build error or any idea about what could be causing this?

fixed in this commit. i assume some shit code is coming up from upstream mesa.

Thanks for the contribution, i have added the link to the first post.
The information in this thread and several others are really piling up, it would be great if we had some form of wiki just like Sunxi has. Is radxa/rockchip people somehow interested in maintaining a wiki. I think thats a solid idea.

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Thanks build worked :ok_hand:

Havnā€™t looked into graphics side much yet, but just launching gnome Iā€™ve noticed quite high CPU usage so maybe GPU accel wasnā€™t used, plus interface didnā€™t feel very smooth.

My current biggest concern is this
modprobe zram
modprobe: FATAL: Module zram not found in directory

I was using that feat in previous kernel, to enable swap ram compression and double my 8GB ram
as I build quite massive web stuff which consumes lots of memory .

I donā€™t know much about kernel stuff ā€¦so not sure if this unsupported feature in midstream kernel
For now Iā€™m back to old kernel until I can make it work. If someone has an idea about that.

i think there is something fishy here. Zram module is enabled in default config of midstream.

Can you check if the module is there ls /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/block/z*

Iā€™m currently not booted in midstream kernel, but I can chroot into the midstream rootfs image

ls usr/lib/modules/6.2.01153622-0bdd2223b20b-rk3588-midstream/kernel/drivers/block/
only gives me

Not sure if relevant or if I need to be booted in midstream kernel to check (in case dir is populated at runtime)?

Other thing, while using old kernel, and after successfully modprobe zram module, I would expect to see it with lsmod | grep zram ?

no it should be there, that means that it is also not compiled, there might be something wrong with the config, may be there are some dependencies for this config to be enabled.

I did a trick in the PKGBUILD to compile custom configurations. Create a dir called custom in the directory where PKGBUILD is. and copy arch/arm64/configs/rock-5b.config from src/kernel (afair) with the name config.

So you can edit this config however you want and PKGBUILD will use the config in ./custom/config.

There is a whole lot guide in Gentoo Wiki on how to configure zram module in the kernel that may help. I might not have access to device this week, but i think this info might help to troubleshoot.


Ok, thanks for your help. Will check when I have time If I can manage it as Iā€™m not an expert in that area

ah i understand whats going on here, ZRAM is not compiled as loadable module thats why you can not modprobe it :slight_smile: kinda makes sense.

so it should work without modprobing, but you might need to restart for zram to activate because it can not re init config simply reloading.

you mean after recompiling kernel as you mentionned in previous post?
good news if it isnā€™t midstream issue

no no, you dont have to compile anything, ZRAM is enabled by default, but it is not as a module. Just configure ZRAM as usual, without modprobe. And restart the device.

ah I see :slight_smile: didnā€™t get it sorry, ok so no mobprobe required just the rest of my script which is:

echo zstd > /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm && echo 8G > /sys/block/zram0/disksize
# disable zswap
echo 0 > /sys/module/zswap/parameters/enabled
mkswap --label zram0 /dev/zram0 && swapon --priority 100 /dev/zram0

Was it what you refer to? as I ran these command at device start, so will be gone at restart

FYI I was manually setting zram as described in archwiki

for that zram config you might not even need to restart.

from gentoo wiki

It is recommended that zram be built as a loadable module. This allows changing number of zram devices without rebooting, by deactivating zram devices and re-loading module with new parameters. If zram is built-in, then the number of devices can only be changed at boot time by using the kernel boot parameter zram.num_devices=# .

A side note:
CONFIG_ZRAM=y means that compile this buddy as a part of vmlinuz kernel image,
CONFIG_ZRAM=m means that compile it as a seperate loadable .ko module.

if you zcat /prog/config.gz | grep ZRAM you will notice that it is set to y.

Or you can recompile with a new config set at as m, a loadbale module, but thats overkill i guess, it already works this way and thats tolally linux thing, not related to midstream.

Ah ok gonna check once rebooted in midstream Donā€™t remember if I checked if it worked after seeing modprobe error
Let you know, thanks!

Iā€™ve tried playing videos with mpv and found that the playback speed was very slow, and with hundreds of dropped frames. Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s that way because of hardware limitations or because Iā€™ve set something up wrong. Is video playback slow and choppy even with hardware acceleration packages installed?

details please.

Did you install ffmpeg-mpp? Can you verify it with pacman -Q | grep ffmpeg-mpp

If yes.

whats the output of

ffplay -loglevel repeat+level+debug pathtothevideofile


journalctl -f