Archlinux on Rock5b

pantfrost vulkan driver is compiled, but it wont run anything, currently it is potato, but you can have it instantly which agr update when collbora releases something

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Where can I find the PKGBUILD?

the repo

you can use agr:

or build it yourself, note that to self-build you need additional gitweb-dlagent. with agr it is auto-managed.


Self build without gitweb-dlagent

is there any benchmarks between the panthor kerne and panfrost driver
and the joshua kernel and panfork driver ? what is the advantage of the panthor kernel?

One at least.

We have some Benchmarks posted on #panfrost of Radxa’s discord.

Well, performance… according to glmark2 scores, I would say it is pretty much same as Panfork on 6.1

But Panfork have the ability to use gofaster and blob to get much better performance than default.

The advantage of using Panthor is that it is merged to mainline Mesa which means it will be more reliable and up-to-date in the future. And with panthor, we don’t need to rely on the mali_csffw blob driver from rockchip.

No need for any blobs at all?

you still need mali_csffw firmware, i think @kwankiu meant the libmali blob drivers.

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But at least Mali firmware is on mainline not a separated rockchip version isn’t it?

I think RK does not have the authority and ability to modify the firmware source code, which is compiled and provided by upstream Arm.

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Ah I see

Coz Rockchip release it with its own version number.

I see it is part of linux-firmware:

kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git - Repository of firmware blobs for use with the Linux kernel

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yeah use the firmware in mainline, it is also in correct path and known to be working, if you like adventure you can try replacing it

Hi, @boogiepop. Hi, everyone. I’m wondering if there’s a way to get the new agr packages to build using all 8 of the rock5b’s cores? At the moment packages like the kernel which take a long time already are only being built using a single core.

Yeah sure just add -j8 to MAKEFLAGS in

Additionally @kwankiu created a binary repo for such experimental packages:

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Installer Image for new install:

Great. Is there a way that I can make configuration changes to the packages, such as to the radxa kernel? It seems that my fan has stopped working after changing to the new agr one.

Has it really stopped working or switched to a different curve? The collabora curve is quite tolerant of high temps (and not well thought through).

You can, but you need to clone the pkgbuild and build yourself.

In radxa kernel i gave an option to use the config under custom/config.

Not sure about other kernels i dont maintain them. But you can modify them however you want.

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