Arch based RebornOS reviewed on Rock5b

As far as I know, Panfork doesn’t support Vulkan at this point.

The ETA prime youtuber did get Vulkan to run on AetherSX2. There’s probably some other config steps he performed that we’re missing.

Have you tried running with the Mainline Ambian 6.xx kernel?

Can someone please go into etc/environment file and provide the “go faster” setting I know is there. Dumb error on my part, I overwrote it. Thanks

Do you know if any extra kernel patches were added for the GPU, display?
Seems RebornOS supports 4k@120hz resolution while other Linux OS’s and Android gives a black screen or no signal with 4k@120hz.

Where can I find the PKGBUILD of this package called linux-rockchip-rk3588 ?

Chromium with YouTube works perfect but what about UHD hardware accelerated playing 4k hdr videos? I’ve tried many players and no one support it.

Driver isn’t mature enough yet

Sbc-configs repo

Where do I find this repo?

This is the actual image for rock5B
I am working with Reborn since month and it works well.

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I was asking because I was curious about the PKGBUILD…

Hey, after latest update, kodi appears to have issues booting and moonlight appears to not detect the encoder.

The message appears to pop up when booting kodi:

libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting

Does anyone know how to proceed? Does QT5 need to be rebuilt or can it be a syntax out of place?

kodi-mpp-nexus-git from Aur works for me.
ffmpeg-mpp from Aur also.
mpp-git from Aur.
mesa-panfork-git from Aur.
I hope these are all packages which made my kodi work.

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Yeah I had some trouble with this one myself. What resolved it was making sure you have llvm15 installed allong with the lld linker version 15.0.X. The issue (I beleive) is that the linker does not have an explicit lld15 package, but rolling back the version (from a cached package found in /var/cache/pacman/pkg) along with installing the llvm15 packages should resolve the issue! For reference these are the exact commands I ran:
sudo pacman -S llvm15{,-libs} clang15
sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/lld-15.0.7-2-aarch64.pkg.tar.xz
I’m not sure they are all neccassary, but it fixed the issue for me:). If you happen not to have the lld-15… package still in your cache, I’ll check back later today/tomorrow and will upload it somewhere for you.
EDIT: I’m on archarm btw, not reborn/bred. But I don’t think that will matter because I had the same exact issue.

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Now if anyone could tell me why my fan doesn’t work, that’d be great lol

Thanks, I do not have that file in my cache unfortunately. However, just running this command below alone had fixed the issue for me :slight_smile: at least kodi can boot again.
sudo pacman -S llvm15{,-libs} clang15

I do still get this error but it does not stop it from booting:
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Moonlight however still cannot detect encoder. Is there a way to point it to the latest encoder?

Thanks again!

I installed the packages as you suggested from the AUR and that apparently fixed my moonlight encoder issue. I previously had the stock os packages installed ffmpeg and ffmpeg4.4 and etc.

Thanks again for your help!

Moonlight and encoders appear to work with ffmpeg-mpp AUR packages although now there appears to be a latency issue. I can optimise the settings to lower resolution and turn off vsync etc although, it does not appear to change the latency. Has anyone experienced this as well? I will have to post the moonlight-qt log tonight. Just before the latest update to moonlight, the stock encoders to BRED os worked fine and there wasnt any latency.

Latest panfork update had fixed the encoders issue on stock ffmpeg pkg. Moonlight appears to be working again without any latency issues/delay.

BredOs Devs also rebuilt mesa PKG, update and you can remove llvm 15 as it is no longer required