Android 9, slow and unusable?

Hello, as this was my first use of rockpi 4b, please forgive my ignorance. Installed Android 9 pie from the formal link on an SD card. Booted the rock pi 4b and it took ages to finally boot in android 9, and it is practically unusable (unbearably slow).
Should I have done something else prior to just booting in Android? Or is this the actual experience?
Is the Android 7 image any better?

I think you should blame your uSD card, the io of your uSD card is too slow for random read. Use an eMMC module instead.

Thanks for the reply. Is there a way to install it on the provided eMMC without an adapter?

Use the rkdevelop tool. Details are on the wiki.

Here is the instructions:

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Just to confirm, you were right!
Installed version 7 on the emmc and it works fine, except for audio, through the hdmi cable. Any idea?