Activate interface SPI in Rock 5 model b

Hello, I would like to know how I can activate the spinnaker that the rockpy has since I tried to follow the following tutorial, but for example the /boot/config.txt I don’t have it on my system so instead of adding it there, I added it to /boot/hw_intfc.conf, but then it tells me to run sudo, but it doesn’t recognize that command since I don’t have it. that file. Another question I also have is how I can verify that the spinnaker is really active.

You probably need to regenerate the initrd - check the instructions of your distro for that - on Arch it’s mkinitcpio, different on each distro.

Could you explain better what you told me? My operating system is an Ubuntu 22.04 server, in which in /boot I do not have the config.txt file or the, only what I have is the following config-5.10.110-11-rockchip initrd.img-5.10 .110-11-rockchip
dtbo initrd.img-5.10.110-11-rockchip.old-dkms
extlinux uEnv.txt
hw_intfc.conf vmlinuz-5.10.110-11-rockchip.

You can just use the rsetup command if you are running the Radxa OS to enable the SPI on the GPIO header: