I received “Cubie A5E”, I tried to power it but I don’t get any HDMI video signal,
I tried to write an SD with SUNXI “https://linux-sunxi.org/Radxa_Cubie_A5E”,
but I have the same results, I’m new with SBC.
A5E no video output
Have you noticed if the blue status light is blinking, and have you tried using other HDMI monitors?
When wirte to the SD card, please select the boot card rather than the mass production card, that is, choose the second option."
Thanks @feng,
I used the second option of PhoenixCard (“Start up”) and now it works,
I wanted to ask if it is possible to use a M.2 SSD directly but I don’t understand how to write the image directly on it, have a nice day.
The capability to boot from an SSD is currently in development. In the upcoming releases, we will provide a directly usable disk image. Users will be able to write this image directly to their SSDs using tools like Etcher or via the dd command.
Is there any documentation on how to convert Allwinner images into usable disk images ourselves? I came across OpenixCard, but it didn’t work properly for me.
Although I was using the A5E without any issues for a week, one day I decided to start it by holding down the UBOOT button on the front.
Since then, it hasn’t managed to boot up. For 4-5 seconds, the blue light blinks before turning off again. The Ethernet connection isn’t working. I’ve tried too with a clean SD card, but the issue persists.
Any solutions to get it to boot again?
@ali - maybe that helps? - https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/linux-sunxi/2025-02-16#34009750
Same problem for me, tried to write an SD with SUNXI
(2 - a527_linux_cubie_a5_uart0_beta_20250211.zip - cubie a5e debian11 xfce beta image - Fix the issue where Docker cannot be used - https://mega.nz/file/g7AWVBZJ#xkDOIJYHvgUngdKUgW7D_aSaVPifyYZDOG0fUOtgAMk) and got no video output.
I tried various HDMI monitors and wrote SD card using PhoenixCard second option.
No blue status light blinking.
Any idea? Another image download link to test? Please help.
I have used CoolTerminal on my MacOS and at least I have managed to extract an extensive boot LOG although… I can’t understand it. Is anyone willing to lend a hand to detect and correct the problem?
Radxa CoolTerm Capture .txt.zip (17.9 KB) Radxa CoolTerm Capture .txt.zip