Android Image seems to be corrupt

I have downloaded the Android image several times and each time it cannot boot and Gparted says its corrupt. Can you confirm? Can you provide a checksum of one that was successfully booted?

Thank you.

I’ve met the problem as you too.I can’t launch android system from SD card,but launch from emmc is OK,and i can launch ubuntu、Debain from SD card

Hi TheDude & LZS
The new Android image is released:
New Android TV firmware released

That image fixed some problem

The Android TV image is working great. Its the plain “Android” version that has issues.

We have updated the “Android” image now.

do you have plans to fix message “unsupported sd card” in the android 12 release. i am told this is all sd cards and not only SanDisk.

also, settings are lost such as resolution scaling or font size on restart.

last, there is no setting to switch between hdmi audio or 3.5 audio jack.
