This looks really cool, will definitely have a play with this cheers man.
Ram disk is as old as I am, but back then memory cost the tip of a fighter jet, so might be cool to dedicate a little of the spare ram most of us have these days for something like this.
I also have an idea to play around with some of the cluster possibilities of the SBC’s (not trying to create anything crazy, more for the sake of messing around and learning something in the process. my attention is fleeting and short lived and my time is very sparse haha but I like to try new stuff when time permits. it always a tradeoff, I used to have plenty of time-ish, and so I messed around with unix and gentoo linux but now that work takes most of my time (macOS and Winslows) its hard to find the time … /rant
Anyways, my idea which is currently “on the back of a napkin after a drunk night out” kinda note, is to try and do some of the distributed computing that I have seen others do with raspberry pi.
But have the hardware on some of the newer 1gbe NIC SBC’s and have them connected over websocket for ultra fast latency, and distribute commands by mqtt with pub/sub for communications. (think if all are subscribing to a master node that can send RPC calls over mqtt to all at the same time) and maybe have each be part of a dynamic zpool owned/controlled by the masternode with dynamically adding/removing of nodes of the sbc you attach. their contribution in storage could then be from a zram mounted disk (and yes there is a good chance someone have already done this)
Okay, as you have like noted by now, this idea is super crazy and full of holes that I have not even been close to consider yet, but I like the idea. And maybe only some of this is possible, but hey might be a fun project.
Anyways this is WAY off topic, so sorry about that, just thought that something like the Rock Pi with its 6cores could be a good candidate for a project like this in the future, and using your zram might be a cool addition?