The Fan-control does not work o Debian b36 image

The pymumu/fan-control-rock5b
] software does not work on “rock-5b_debian_bullseye_xfce_b36.img.xz”.

The command also does not run on this image.
These worked well on old distributions.

Please take care of this issue!!!
Thanks in advance.

It will not work any more as the fan is controlled by a kernel driver

Thanks, however I’d like to know how the fan works.
Please tell me the way.

Guide on how to customize you pwm fan curve this works on Armbian at least.

And here is the Radxa guide for the new method:

In combination with previous link you should be able to make it work.

Thank you for the details.
I set the user_space and cooling-levels=135.
The fan spins well and is very quiet.
Thanks again.