Set BIOS settings


how can I get access to the BIOS settings in the Radxa Zero?
For the Raspbberry PI there is the config.txt. But is there a graphical UI or also a file for the Radxa Zero?

I don’t think there is bios settings . Depending on the distro you are using, there is config file or different type of setting files.
What you are looking for equivalent to Raspberry PI is DietPi [link to radxa zero image]. You can flash it to MicroSD card and you can find dietpiwifi.txt and dietpi.txt files which you can change + add settings or extra stuff…
When you boot for the first time, you will get an interface where you can continue for customized installation.

Is DietPi a extra OS or is it more like a tool to make such configurations for the already installed OS?

It is an OS not a tool…just like Raspberry Pi OS

Ah ok. So I have to use this OS. I want to use Manjaro and make the BIOS settings for it.

I’m using Manjaro too. what settings are you trying to do ?
and @spikerguy is the person to get solid answers for Manjaro. He is the person…

I want to do some screen settings.

Im not an expert or anything.
But you can do most of the stuff inside Manjaro from its Terminal.

Ah ok. Do you have a tutorial page of settings who can be made?

no, i don’t have any page / link.
Sorry couldn’t help.

You can use hdmi argument on extlinux.conf file.
There is no standard tutorials for arm.

If you don’t accurately explain what you want to do then maybe it can be searched online as there are documentation in pieces scattered over all arm based distro 's forums.

Can I add it like this video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60?
I found it in another issue:

Is it possible to overclock rockpi4 with Manjaro? How?