ROCK5 Android12 Bringup Status Update

That u-boot build date is way to early to have PD support.
This commit added PD support to u-boot at July 28, 2022, about 3 months later than the u-boot you currently have.

tried to flash SPI with the latest image by following the tutorial, but it cannot be done via either my desktop (AMD) or laptop (Intel Thinkpad)… with Ubuntu 22.04 on my laptop, I failed at uploading the loader; then I tried using my Windows VM with PCI passthrough USB controller, I can finish the loader part, but right after it is successful, the masked ROM is not detected anymore; the same also happen when I use my desktop which runs 22.04 as well. so, basically I cannot proceed anymore…

forget to say… another “funny” thing is that if I connect Rock 5B directly to my machines’ port, masked ROM mode is never detected; if I add a USB hub in between, however, masked ROM can be detected. but as mentioned above, I cannot complete the SPI flash either… I tried using Thinkpad’s “charger port” that always output up to 5V@2.4A, and my USB meter tells me it only use around 200mA in masked ROM mode, so it should not be that not enough power provided during the flash process, but still it fails.

any chance of having a newer build that really support booting from TF? current one seems only support eMMC boot.

Completely different on my side - I can connect Rock5 straight to usb-c ports on my thinkpad P52 or it’s dock station and rkdevtools update always finds it and there is no problem with power or so. Something for sure was changed because right now I can’t do the same with Rock3 (I still would like to get back my UART function).

you can check my “result” here :slight_smile:

any luck on getting android bootable on microsd?

Android has booted from microSD/TF card every time for me. It has booted from Nvme once, and I haven’t got it to do it again. Any update when nvme boot will be fixed?

which image are you using for sdcard booting?

I have booted it from both the 9/29 and the 10/19 versions so far.

Where did you find them? The latest I tried is 20221008 and there is neither 9/29 nor 10/19 available on the release page:

repo is at rkr8 with a uboot with no nvme support

the images are from a rkr10 bsp wich i dont see a raxda repo to see wich u-boot

the u-boot linux repo on raxda github has since 6 sept nvme boot function

sd ,emmc should just work only make sure that you format the sd before flashing a android image

first boot takes a longer time

ow would be nice now with the latest 5.10 kernel also rk356x could work on android 12

and a update would be nice so the mpp in android works with the latest kernel

You guys who have Android 12 up and running when you do the benchmarks are you getting anywhere near there initial postings for the GPU with Geekbench & Antutu ?

do i need special tools to format those sd card? i tried format those sd with exfat first with windows disk management, still no go (no hdmi output), image tested: 20220902(rkr8), 20220922(rkr10), 20221008 (rkr10). such issues doesnt persist on debian.

i havent check with serial console yet, but i think android might be bootable, just the display were not showing.

added: just checked with serial console, android is running of course, guess i need to sort out those no issue display then.

dmesg |grep -E ‘hdmi|mali’

[ 10.499935] rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed60000.hdmiphy: hdptx phy init success
[ 10.500101] rockchip-hdptx-phy-hdmi fed70000.hdmiphy: hdptx phy init success
[ 10.531739] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: failed to get hdmi0_phy_pll: -2
[ 10.531743] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: failed to get hdmi1_phy_pll: -2
[ 10.543607] dwhdmi-rockchip fde80000.hdmi: registered ddc I2C bus driver
[ 10.543761] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: bound fde80000.hdmi (ops dw_hdmi_rockchip_ops)
[ 10.544220] dwhdmi-rockchip fdea0000.hdmi: registered ddc I2C bus driver
[ 10.544351] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: bound fdea0000.hdmi (ops dw_hdmi_rockchip_ops)
[ 10.812400] rk_hdmirx fdee0000.hdmirx-controller: No reserved memory for HDMIRX, use default CMA
[ 10.812420] rk_hdmirx fdee0000.hdmirx-controller: hdmirx_probe: cpu_aff:0x400, Bound_cpu:4, wdt_cfg_bound_cpu:5
[ 10.812897] rk_hdmirx fdee0000.hdmirx-controller: hdmirx_audio_interrupts_setup: 0
[ 10.813623] rk_hdmirx fdee0000.hdmirx-controller: rk_hdmirx_hdcp_register success
[ 10.813640] rk_hdmirx fdee0000.hdmirx-controller: fdee0000.hdmirx-controller driver probe ok!
[ 10.992587] mali fb000000.gpu: Kernel DDK version g12p0-01eac0
[ 10.993198] mali fb000000.gpu: leakage=16
[ 10.995189] mali fb000000.gpu: pvtm=861
[ 10.995222] mali fb000000.gpu: pvtm-volt-sel=3
[ 10.995874] mali fb000000.gpu: avs=0
[ 10.997455] rockchip-dmc dmc: hdmirx_rate = 2112000000
[ 10.998090] W : [File] : drivers/gpu/arm/bifrost/platform/rk/mali_kbase_config_rk.c; [Line] : 136; [Func] : kbase_platform_rk_init(); power-off-delay-ms not available.
[ 10.998908] mali fb000000.gpu: GPU hardware issue table may need updating:\x0ar0p0 status 5 is unknown; treating as r0p0 status 0
[ 10.998930] mali fb000000.gpu: GPU identified as 0x7 arch 10.8.6 r0p0 status 0
[ 10.999023] mali fb000000.gpu: No priority control manager is configured
[ 10.999037] mali fb000000.gpu: No memory group manager is configured
[ 10.999064] mali fb000000.gpu: Protected memory allocator not available
[ 11.000878] mali fb000000.gpu: Couldn’t find power_model DT node matching ‘arm,mali-simple-power-model’
[ 11.000903] mali fb000000.gpu: Error -22, no DT entryle-power-model.static-coefficient = 1*[0]
[ 11.001292] mali f2, no DT entry: mali-simple-power-model.dynamic-coefficient = 1* mali fb000000.gpu: Error -22, no DT entry: mali-simple-power-mo11.002010] mali fb000000.gpu: Error -22, no DT entry: mali-simpl-zone = ‘’
[ 11.007357] mali fb000000.gpu: Using configured px-power-model, and fallback mali-simple-power-model
[ 11.0075u: l=10000 h=85000 hyst=5000 l_limit=0 h_limit=800000000 h_tablekchip-drm display-subsystem: failed to get hdmi0_phy_pll: -2
[ p-drm display-subsystem: failed to get hdmi1_phy_pll: -2
[ 11000.gpu: Probed as mali0
[ 11.030224] dwhdmi-rockchip fde8000 I2C bus driver
[ 11.031324] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: (ops dw_hdmi_rockchip_ops)
[ 11.033302] dwhdmi-rockchip fdea0 I2C bus driver
[ 11.034159] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: (ops dw_hdmi_rockchip_ops)
[ 11.050059] input: rockchip-hdmi0/devices/platform/hdmi0-sound/sound/card1/input2
[ 11.052060]1 rockchip-hdmi1 as /devices/platform/hdmi1-sound/sound/card2/in I : [File] : drivers/gpu/arm/mali400/mali/linux/mali_kernel_lin[Func] : mali_module_init(); svn_rev_string_from_arm of this malis ‘5’, built at ‘17:29:33’, on ‘Oct 8 2022’.
[ 11.104278] #
[ 11.104284] #1: rockchip-hdmi0
[ 11.104288] #2: rockchip-[ 12.881059] rk_hdmirx fdee0000.hdmirx-controller: hdmirx_cancel_cpu_limit_freq freq qos nod add

there is a custom one from a few months old

and for newer raxda first has to update the repos it has been months since they updated it .

and just a image is just bad we cannot remove the bad rockchip code .

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I just see a new “NVMe only” Android 12 being available now, which you have to flash it via masked rom mode (or perhaps if you have a “removable” NVMe adapter?)

No time to play with it for these couple weeks, maybe I’ll try during weekend(s).
But it depends on whether the Android image can “see” my NVMe SSD in the first place…

hello, how could I download android12 src code for 5b?

I have a quick question.
On most Android SBCs I’ve tinkered with the USB-C has been the only OTG port. Is it the same with the Rock5? Given that the Rock5 is powered using the USB-C how is that going to effect the use of OTG devices?

well rkr8 you can get with the manifest , the rkr10 manifest doestn work well if there only updated a few repos and sure we are at a higher rkr version 10 is already few months old

Thanks for your reply, I have downloaded rkr8 and compiled it. When I burned the image, I found that it crashed at HWC as follwing:
HWComposer: presentAndGetReleaseFences: present failed for display 0: BadDisplay (2)
So, what is the status of rk8 version , is there anything else need to revise?