Rock Pi 4 Slarm64 (aarch64 unofficial slackware)

I would give some feedback after my last installation:

System is running as a www-server with access to the internet (only ports 80/443), only with micro-sd-card.

Linux rock-pi-4 6.1.62 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Nov 9 23:46:43 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

17:17:30 up 55 days, 23:36, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

TX packets 9292001 bytes 9861834815 (9.1 GiB)

dmesg: any failures

My installation path: Downloading
(any updates since weeks).


to update you need to switch to slackwareaarch64-current
or switch to irradium

mara, simply switch (configuration in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors) does not work
separated iinstallation of the armv8-kernel from aarch64 hangsā€¦

btw: why did you throw the slarm64?

Thatā€™s right, the kernel from the distribution may not work, especially older 4.4.y kernels.
kernels can be taken from irradium (there is also just an archive there and structurally it is compatible with slackware)

Šnd the irradium built in crux is just as simple (if not simpler) and in it I collect only those packages that I need, and after I wrote a simple pkg-get utility (it differs from the one of the same name supplied in crux) I install and update it on the remaining boards binary packages.
Šnd itā€™s easier to support two architectures aarch64 and riscv64