Radxa Zero 2 Pro - Missing overlay for DSI display

please try this, and enable it with rsetup, then please send me the log with “dmesg | grep dsi” and tell me the screen resuilt so that I can debug.

I cannot get this board to boot with the screen connected either. I had this problem on the 2 Pro and assumed it was an issue with the adapter cable. (Power draw goes up to around 20W, screen gets hot. Seems like it might be a defect with the driver board on the LCD itself, it looks like they had to remove some capacitors on the board for compatibility with the Raspberry Pi 5, and they may have bridged something)

EDIT: Tried this on my smaller Nano adapter board and I do not have the heat issue, however I do not get HDMI out either on the official board, or the Waveshare Nano board, when I have the overlay enabled, it works fine before I enable the overlay but once I do so and reboot I lose all HDMI output.

Am I able to drive both the HDMI display and the DSI display? The whole point of this was to have two screens running separately like a two monitor desktop PC setup.

[Are there any known working 4.3" screens? I see in rsetup mention of a 3.5" screen but I cannot find that anywhere at Allnet either.]

We have the Radxa Zero 2 Pro and also have the

ALLNET Mipi DsI 5" display which should work with the Zero 2 Pro.

Can you please let us know, and if not we need a dsi screen dts for it.
These 2 components are desirable.


Hello Nasca,

We have this display “ALLNET China 5inch DSI LCD MIPI Display with capacitive touch screen”

Is there an overlay for the Radxa zero 2 pro ? We need this screen or another screen which will work mipi, or a screen which has a thin profile, and the hdmi connector can not be on the side of the display.

sorry to reply so lately, I have found that Zero 2 has no linux driver for mipi dsi, but android suports that.