Mainline support for RockPi 4?

Thanks igorp, good to know. I was referring to:

The only supported compilation environment is Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 x64 ( no other releases are supported ! It has to be exactly 18.04 otherwise default compiler versions might not match so if you’re on an older Ubuntu release upgrade to 18.04 now, if you use a newer Ubuntu version start with 18.04 from scratch),

Which at least means that if i encounter any problem compiling anything armbian and want to ask a question, the likely answer will be “use ubuntu 18.04 first, then come back” ;-(

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This manual was written for developers (and probably at the time there was no full blown Docker support) which usually doesn’t need very exact saying. OK, will be adjusted to be clear.

Docker is the key component you are missing out which allows that building works everywhere.

Well, i would just like to be able to build on the target system itself :wink: