Hey all, let me preface by saying i am using a P2303 USB to TTL cable that i bought specifically for this application at the time, and i dont recall if i had the same issue using it for anything else.
So, i believe at some point that i had managed to soft brick my R0, and i bought the aforementioned cable. I followed the directions here (https://docs.radxa.com/en/zero/zero3/low-level-dev/serial?os=linux) to the letter, and am unable to get anything but gibberish in Linux AND Windows. I just recently read about it being possible that the P2303 chipsets dont do high baud rates (ie. 115200)?. Could this be my issue? I can change the baud rate and see different character sets being output to the terminal, so this at least confirms my board is not dead, but i am unable to interact with it.