FreeBSD on Rock 5B?

Any news on a FreeBSD image working on Rock 5B NVME, through official development?

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There is currently no official support for RK3588 in FreeBSD,
so for now the only way to get NVMe on Rock5B is to add this support to EDK2 UEFI.

FreeBSD not RK356X is actively ported at the moment and PCIe driver is already being tested,
but PCIe is very different from RK3588.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the FreeBSD developers
do not have equipment on RK3588 or there is not enough of it.

The PCIe driver for RK3568 is authored by Søren Schmidt,
but does not have Radxa hardware.

Soren is ready to work on RK3588, but he needs equipment