Debian Testing for the ROCK 4 SE

Ok, so using only the testing.img above on a newly formated sd card will not work? It’s not a complete image? So the image you made in May contains more files in the boot folder? Can you post a test image with the bootloader included?

Should I flash the test image from May, and then copy/paste the new files in the testing.img file to the sd card? Using the DD command, doesn’t that delete all the current files in the partition?

It seems I have to save some boot files from the old test image…?

No its not a complete image its only the image of the root partition. And i’m not at home and have no posibillity to create a complete sd card image

It looks like the original image I have is corrupt, and no longer makes a bootable sd card. I’ll download a new copy and start from scratch :slight_smile:

  1. flash the debian testing cli image from my github page
  2. resize the root partition on thee sd card
  3. flash the testing image over the second partition of your sd card
  4. resize root partition again
  5. then boot it :wink:

Yup, just did it, and flashing the test cli image gives a blank SD card…?

So, I used another image to make a bootable SD card, and then copied your testing.img over to the root partition. That worked :slight_smile:

But, the best option for me is a CLI image where I can set the location, keyboard layout, time zone and WiFi country. In my case it’s not the default US for everything. Then after that is done, just run tasksel and select the desktop environment I want. Better than having 8 images, one for each desktop environment.

Anyway, I booted your XFCE testing image, and had many errors loading modules, like BT and so on. When I logged in to the desktop, I had no WiFi and no BT. BT is normally not loaded in the Debian XFCE image, so I have to add bluez and blueman afterwords. But the WiFi packages should be there (unless you used apt install xfce4 instead of tasksel). Perhaps WiFi is blocked by no WiFi language set? Or WiFi kill enabled?

Also, the useful file rsetup was not on the image, the first thing I would run when booting and setting up a new system. Adding a new user, setting the location data and then selecting a desktop. Just my way of doing it :slight_smile:

If you upload a new Debian testing (Trixie) install cli image for the 4SE card, I’ll surely give it a try.

I will do it for you in the evening. The next few hours, i live in Germany…

OK, I’m not that far away, I’m in Oslo :slight_smile:

Should i add a root password and add no user

The best option is to add a new user with sudo rights. eh, no just have debian/debian

I will suggest adding a new feature to the rsetup tool where I can add a new user the easy way. Where on github do I request a new feature? I only see creating a new issue.

you did not answered for some time so i’ve added a root account with password ‘toor’.
to add a new user and disable the root account follow these steps:

  1. adduser -m USERNAME
  2. usermod -aG sudo USERNAME
  3. su USERNAME
  4. sudo passwd -l root

Here is the image of the second(root) partition:

OK, thanks, I will give it a try.

i tried to add additional drivers to solve the problem of wifi now it should work but at the moment i’m not at hom so i have no possibillity to test it with my rock4se. but we can solve the eerrors step by step together if you wish

The official Radxa image works good now that know how to get around the issues. Hopefully Radxa will release a Bookworm image soon so I can use the lastest XFCE desktop. Until then, this will be my goto image :slight_smile:

i only use selfmade Operating Systems on the radxa rock 4 se. i have a debian testing at home, and also i made a kali linux build for it, which is really good with auto resize root on first boot and so on. My debian testing is build from the bottom step by step but the problems i mostly solved while running it on the rock pi. The kali was strictly build in a docker container. Telll me if you need help.
On Bookworm the Videos run more smoothly then on Bullseye, thats the reason why i build a debian testing for the rock pi. Then debian released bookworm and now i’m on Trixie…

I see, it would be nice to be able to build your own images. I do not have the knowledge to do that, I’m just a novice linux user. I have raspberry pi, orange pi, and rock pi sbc’s, plus regular x64 pc to play with. I enjoy trying different OS’s and DE’s and customizing my own desktop themes.
Playing (streaming) video is the most demanding thing I do on these small boards, and everything has to be working just right to make it happen. Always lots of issues with hardware graphics acceleration and driver support on sbc’s. Raspberry Pi has made a Chromium browser with full hardware support, and runs better than anything else out there, but I prefer Firefox.
Saw Radxa just released Bookwork for the Rock 5 board, so I would assume the rest of the boards are on the way. I’ll also give your Trixie testing a spin :slight_smile:

When you get the time, it would be nice with a complete install image I can download from your Google Drive.

i’m not at home for a few month so everything i can do is the second partition, when i’m back home again i will publish e new debian testing image, maybe a bookworm too

here is debian bookworm cli, as sd card image:

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