Hi all, I’m hunting my way through rsdk to build a custom OS image for the rock5b - and I’m wanting to do it without installing any of the GUI components…
I’ve narrowed it down to pretty much this part - of the libjsonnet files:
diff --git a/src/share/rsdk/build/mod/packages/categories/core.libjsonnet b/src/share/rsdk/build/mod/packages/categories/core.libjsonnet
index 9d2bdcb..745588f 100644
--- a/src/share/rsdk/build/mod/packages/categories/core.libjsonnet
+++ b/src/share/rsdk/build/mod/packages/categories/core.libjsonnet
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ else
apt-get install -oDPkg::Chroot-Directory="$1" -y \
-oDpkg::Options::=--force-confnew %(recommends)s \
- task-%(product)s
+ radxa-firmware radxa-system-config-rockchip syncthing
apt-get full-upgrade -oDPkg::Chroot-Directory="$1" -y \
When I run through a build for core
profile at this point, the image is created, but the system doesn’t boot. There seems to be a number of things that aren’t created properly - including the extlinux.conf
, and a few other critical files.
Looking here: https://github.com/radxa-pkg/vendor-profiles/blob/main/debian/control
It seems that even the task-rk3588
package will pull in everything - including chromium, gui components etc etc.
How can I create a working, basic image to put on an NVMe drive for the Rock 5B without any of the GUI components?
I have a number of additions I need to make to automatically provision them on first boot to our internal systems, but need to figure out how to get a customised image booting first without all the GUI components.
These devices will all be deployed in a headless configuration.